"Investigating Stories Steeped in the Mysteries of Life and Love"


You have found the site of private investigator Sally Jo Pitts whose sleuthing and other experiences in working with all kinds of people has led to writing sweet romance and private investigator mysteries. You will find my books listed under the books tab, Romance Books and Mystery Books.

I delve into a variety of topics on the website. Currently, I am investigating food used in novels found under the Investigator’s Blog. Each post is accompanied by a recipe found under Investigatin’ Recipes.

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Civil War and Hot Water Cornbread from Annette O'Hare's Northern Light
7/15/2024 5:00:00 AM BY Sally Jo Pitts

Investigating Food Used in Novels

This month’s food scene and recipe comes from Annette O’Hare’s Civil War novel, Northern Light. 

Author Annette O’Hare uses a kitchen scene showcasing the growing playful relationship of her hero and heroine.


Here’s the Scene:

“Okay, okay, so why do ya call it hot water cornbread? I’ve never heard of that before.”

        Margaret looked up into his eyes, which was easy with his face so close to hers. “Because, regular cornbread calls for eggs and since there are no eggs on the entire peninsula…we have to make hot water cornbread. It doesn’t call for eggs.”

        “Aye, I see. And does it call for sugar?” He smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. “Because we have a fair amount of that, lass.”

        She shook her head at his silly pun, but couldn’t help smiling despite herself. “Now stop it. We’re ready to pour the boiling water over the cornmeal and lard. Measure out three quarters of a cup and I’ll add the salt.”

        Thomas did as he was told and poured the steaming hot liquid over the ingredients Margaret had already added to the bowl. The lard melted into a puddle with the addition of the water. “What shall I do now, mix it together?”

        “Yes.” She handed him a spatula. “It’s going to be sticky, but do your best to get all the water mixed into the meal and lard.”

        Margaret checked the iron skillet where a good amount of lard was being heated for the cornbread. She took the long

handled spoon from the spoon rest and stirred the big pot of black-eyed peas. After moving the peas around in the pot she

scooped out a small spoonful and set it on the rest to cool.

        Thomas looked up from his task. “Are ya hungry? Setting out a bit of those peas for yerself are ya?”

        She dipped her head to the side. “No silly, I need to have a taste to see if they’re done.”

        “Well go on then.” He motioned toward the spoonful of peas.

        Margaret raised her eyebrows. “I don’t want to burn my mouth, they’re boiling hot!”

        “You’ve got a point there.” He slapped the top of his cornbread dough ball with the spatula. “Seems to be well mixed, lass. What shall I do with it now?”

        “Well, if it’s not too hot still you need to separate a small amount at a time and form it into cakes.”

        “Ya mean I have to put my hands into this sticky mess?”

        A huge smile graced Margaret’s face. “Aye, laddy, ya do.” She giggled at herself.

        “So now yer going to mock the way I talk are ya?” He smiled and pulled the spatula out of the gooey mixture and poked it at her.

        Margaret hopped around the kitchen, trying to avoid being touched by the messy spatula. She couldn’t remember

when she’d laughed so hard. Thomas backed her into the cabinets, taunting her with tool in hand. “Don’t you get that

sticky thing on my clothes, Thomas Murphy. I don’t want to have to change my dress.”


For a taste of what these two are cooking up, Annette shares the recipe for the Hot Water Cornbread.

                                                      Hot Water Cornbread

For the recipe Click Here.


More about Northern Light:

Civil War has robbed Margaret Logan of all she holds dear, including her beloved New Orleans home and her fiancé. When her family moves to the desolate Bolivar Peninsula to manage a lighthouse that is no longer there, all her hopes for a normal future are dashed. Her world is rocked once again when a wounded Yankee soldier washes ashore needing her help. Despite her contempt for the North, Margaret falls in love with Thomas Murphy. As their love blooms, Margaret's sister is overcome with neurosis, and her mind slowly slips away. Bitterness, psychosis and depression yield a decision fueled by contempt. Will one fatal choice cause Margaret to lose the man she loves and condemn Thomas to death?


About the author:

Annette O’Hare is an award-winning author of adult and children’s literature. Annette desires to reveal the love of God to her readers while hopefully giving them something to smile about. She and husband Dan live in Southeast Texas and enjoy spending time with family, RVing, and saltwater fishing.

Author website    www.annetteohare.com


Don't Miss this Christmas in July Spectacular Book and Gift Opportunity
7/7/2024 3:45:00 PM BY Sally Jo Pitts


The event runs July 8 through July 31.

(Sign up here:  https://sarahhamakerfiction.ck.page/da6674b452

Each day during the celebration, you’ll get an email promoting that day’s Christmas books by Christian authors.

Daily winners will be selected to receive a print book and Christmas-themed goodie from that day’s participating authors. 

2024 Christmas in July Reader Extravaganza will hand out more than $1,841 worth of grand prizes to 11 overall prize winners, plus 71 daily winners.

Grand Prize (Total value: $656)

· $500 Amazon gift card

· Themed Sherpa Fleece Blanket

· Themed Square Pillow

· Themed tote

· 2 Themed Mugs with coasters

· Themed ornament

· Themed paperback notebook

· Themed bookmark, magnet, sticker

· Plus a copy of every participating author’s book (ebook or print, author’s choice)

First Prize (Total value: $374)

· $300 Amazon gift card

· Themed tote

· 2 Themed Mugs with coasters

· Themed ornament

· Themed paperback notebook

· Themed bookmark, magnet, sticker


Second Prize (Total value: $232)

· $175 Amazon gift card

· Themed tote

· Themed mug with coaster

· Themed ornament

· Themed paperback notebook

· Themed bookmark, magnet, sticker

Third Prize (Valued at $207)

· $150 Amazon gift card

· Themed tote

· Themed mug with coaster

· Themed ornament

· Themed paperback notebook

· Themed bookmark, magnet, sticker

Fourth Prize (Total value: $157)

· $100 Amazon gift card

· Themed tote

· Themed mug with coaster

· Themed ornament

· Themed paperback notebook

· Themed bookmark, magnet, sticker

Fifth Prize (Total value: $132)

· $75 Amazon gift card

· Themed tote

· Themed mug with coaster

· Themed ornament

· Themed paperback notebook

· Themed bookmark, magnet, sticker

Sixth Prize (Total value: $68)

· $50 Amazon gift card

· Themed ornament

· Themed paperback notebook

· Themed bookmark, magnet, sticker

Seventh Prize (Total value: $43)

· $25 Amazon gift card

· Themed ornament

· Themed paperback notebook

· Themed bookmark, magnet, sticker

Eighth Prize (Total value: $43)

· $25 Amazon gift card

· Themed ornament

· Themed paperback notebook

· Themed bookmark, magnet, sticker

Ninth Prize (Total value: $33)

· $15 Amazon gift card

· Themed ornament

· Themed paperback notebook

· Themed bookmark, magnet, sticker

Tenth Prize (Total value: $28)

· $10 Amazon gift card

· Themed ornament

· Themed paperback notebook

· Themed bookmark, magnet, sticker

We can’t wait to bring you wonderful Christian Christmas-themed reads, plus a ton of giveaways, so get ready for a Christmas in July like you’ve never seen before!

Sign up here:  https://sarahhamakerfiction.ck.page/da6674b452


Regency Romance and Recipe from author Linore Burkard
6/30/2024 7:30:00 PM BY Sally Jo Pitts

Investigating Food Used in Novels

This month’s food scene and recipe comes from Linore Burkard’s Regency Romance Before the Season Ends

In Before the Season Ends, the handsome, rich, but famously cantankerous Mr. Mornay, called "the Paragon" by society--a longtime bachelor and catch of the season--escorts the loveable Ariana Forsythe to a Carlton House party (the prince regent's London palace) to the astonishment of all. Toward the end of the evening, again to everyone's utter amazement, he stands up with Ariana for a dance. (Taking to the floor to dance was called "standing up.")

 Lord Horatio, agreeable and hopeful, has just taken Ariana's hand and requested that she stand up with him. Mr. Mornay's surprising response marks a turning point in the book. Following the dance, he escorts her for refreshments, and thus we get to introduce some upper class Regency cuisine to the scene.   


Here’s the Scene:

“I think I should have the honour, Horatio. She is, after all, by the prince’s account, my lady, is she not?”

“A stroke of luck that he should have announced it so!” His lordship looked around. “And the house is packed.” But he had not released Ariana’s gloved hand, and he placed it upon his arm, keeping one of his hands over hers.

“You never stand up to dance, and since you have allowed your charming partner to dance with most every gentleman here, I insist you grant me the opportunity.”

“Another time; I hear the strains of a waltz, and I fancy myself in the right mood for one.”

“A rare mood, indeed!” He had no small surprise on his face. Ariana was equally surprised, but not unhappy. Lord Horatio reluctantly released her hand, requesting that she promise him a future dance, which she did gladly.

 Mr. Mornay held out his arm.

“May I have the honour?”

“You may, indeed!”

“Beware, Mornay.” Lord Horatio spoke as they started off for the dance. “You may chase her until she catches you.” He gave them an affable flourish with his arm, motioning them onto the floor, and there was no time for a response to the cryptic warning.

As they took to the floor, Ariana was conscious of deference being given them. Everyone scrambled to make room for them and there was much smiling and exclaiming. Some men shouted out amiable jests to her partner, which he completely ignored...

She would not have guessed that a gentleman who danced so little in society could yet dance so well. He swept her along smoothly, making the steps seem simpler than she had found them in practice. She suddenly realized this was her first public waltz, at Carlton House, and yet she had nothing to worry about, thanks to Mr. Mornay’s strong lead.

In addition, she was flattered because she had attended many a ball with her aunt during which he failed to stand up even once. Their eyes met and Ariana smiled. Was it her imagination? Or was he looking at her differently? His tumultuous dark eyes were intently upon her but for once Ariana felt no incrimination coming from them. It was a surprisingly pleasant experience. Too pleasant. She needed to guard her heart.

Mr. Mornay was exactly the sort of man her father had warned about. A man of fashion, fortune, and figure but without an interest in the things of God. 

Meanwhile, the company was bubbling with the thought that Mr. Mornay had fallen for a debutante.

“Did she truly come upon his arm? I thought Prinny was joking!” The floor was slowly clearing of other couples as everyone was curious to enjoy the sight of the Paragon doing a waltz. Even the prince, seated now, looked on with great pleasure, nodding his head in time.

“This is too far outside Mornay’s style,” one man spoke into the prince’s ear, “for it not to be a genuine tendre!” After this night, no one doubted he was declaring his affections. He had broken precedents with Miss Forsythe...

It was near midnight when Mr. Mornay took Ariana for refreshments, which was through a great opened double-door to an adjoining chamber. The floor was carpeted, footmen abounded, and, though the menu was service a' la française, there were servants to carve one’s meat or fill one’s glass.

Ariana delighted in the rich wallpaper, the elegant trimmings, beautiful china and golden utensils. The damasked table glittered with sparkling crystal and delectable dishes. She was a princess in another world tonight, a dream world where all of life was beautiful... 

Mr. Mornay stood back politely while she chose refreshments. She accepted slices of beef and turkey au jus from a footman, then helped herself to cold ham with French mustard, apricot tart, and Maids of Honour; herbed asparagus and green beans; a poached pear and raspberry cream. Many more dishes beckoned for her attention but Ariana was in a state of high excitement and was not certain she could even consume the contents on her plate.

The guests came and went for refreshments at will, the men standing politely back while the ladies helped themselves. Once Ariana had finished eating, Mr. Mornay escorted her back to the ballroom, leaving then to have a bite himself.

She soon found herself surrounded by a group of boisterous guests who were telling stories. She was fascinated by tales of those who had encountered highwaymen or footpads, even in Mayfair! A footpad, she was assured, would slit a man’s throat for mere shillings…


This event marks the start of things heating up between Ariana and the Paragon. Fun, fun, fun! And to get a taste of the refreshments being served at the Carlton House party in the London palace, author Linore Burkard shares this recipe.

                         Lemon Curd Maids of Honor Tarts

For the recipe Click Here.


More about Before the Season Ends:

Ariana Forsythe is sent to her wealthy aunt's London townhouse and thrust into the world of the upper crust. Trouble finds her with an instant enemy in Lady Covington, an aging beauty. Ariana must team up with the Paragon, the darkly handsome and powerful Phillip Mornay, to quench the scandal. She can trust God's hand in her life, but can she resist Mr. Mornay's increasing claim on her heart? When she finds herself betrothed to him, she is faced with a terrible choice--and she must make it soon, before the season ends!


About the author:

Linore Rose Burkard is a serious watcher of period films, a Janeite and a hopeless romantic. An award-winning hybrid author, besides Regency romance, she also writes contemporary romance and, as L. R. Burkard, YA Apocalyptic suspense. A magna cum laude English Lit. graduate of CUNY, Linore now lives with her husband and five children in Ohio where she is active at church and president of the Dayton Christian Scribes (but drops everything for Masterpiece Theatre or Mets baseball—it’s a toss-up!). Check out Linore's books at LinoreBurkard.com/books.

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